Your Life

How a Gratitude Practice can Change Your Life

I’m Audry.
An empathic, crystal-loving 30-something who is committed to empowering women and making the world a better place. Dog mom, moon priestess, & yoga pants for life.
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Making gratitude a practice instead of a fleeting thought has been one of the most impactful changes I’ve made in my adult life. I know that sounds dramatic, but hear me out.

Practicing gratitude in a regular, intentional way, has opened my mind and heart to the abundance all around me. It has also allowed me to create more of that abundant, joyful energy in my daily life.

What the world needs now…is gratitude

These days, especially in the months of crazy work hours, COVID restrictions, and the potential holiday chaos, it’s so important to check in and to do things that make you feel good. To remind ourselves of all the good in the world. Gratitude can give you that. And the more you “flex” your gratitude muscle, the stronger the good feelings and abundant energy grow in your life.

Gratitude quote by Melody Beattie

This has been a life changing quote for me .

Why I needed gratitude.

A while back, I was feeling regularly angry, stressed, and chaotic, and I couldn’t figure out how to get out of it. (And TBH, I still have days like this now, but it’s nowhere near as bad and I know what to do about it). I would spiral out of control, end up having a meltdown, and want to hide out in my bed for days at a time.

Then, I tried something new. I tried something super simple and just wrote down a few things I was grateful for each day. At first, it was annoying and perfunctory, but after a little bit, I started to notice a change. My energy shifted, my outlook improved, and then, my days started truly getting better.

What changed for me.

When I am intentional with a gratitude practice, I’m reminded of all the beautiful things in my life. I also tell the universe that I’m open to receive MORE of that good energy, those good things.

This magic is something I want more of for everyone.

So in the spirit of giving thanks and the holidays that are rapidly approaching, I wanted to share some things I’m grateful for right now. I also want to give you a super simple gratitude practice to get you in the habit of being more grateful and of calling in this energy of abundance for yourself.

My Gratitude List: I am so grateful for…

1. A partner that supports and encourages me – seriously, this man is patient and kind and is hands down, my biggest supporter. Whether it’s launching my own business while working a demanding job or taking on a new fitness trend, he is always there, cheering me on and reminding me to make myself a priority. Like, wow.

2. A home that feels safe and comfortable and warm – sure, it’s easy to think, “I wish I had more counter space or more closets”, but we have a home that is joyful and charming and SO full of love. What more can you ask for?

3. Knowing myself and being able to tune in to my inner world – my journey to here, to being able to tap into my own inner wisdom, to having a spiritual practice and deep inner relationship has not been an easy one. But this has been the single most impactful change I’ve made in the last 5 ish years. It’s the thing that balances me, grounds me, and makes it so that I can not only survive, but thrive, in any situation.

4. Sweet Copper pup – Losing Little Dog earlier this year broke my heart into a million pieces, but through that experience, I have unearthed an incredibly attuned emotional support dog in this charming, Velcro Viszla. His personality has continued to blossom, and he is my best bud and constant cuddly coworker. I’m a VERY lucky girl to have been gifted such wonderful companions in my life.

5. A family (by blood and by choice) that I love – I miss my family every day and I look forward to safely seeing them in the near future, but even when we’re apart, I am reminded how lucky I am that we’ve built the relationships we have, that we’ve worked through our “stuff”, and that I have a family who loves me through it all.

6. Being able to work through my own “stuff” – This year has been another year of big changes and emotional growth. I’m endlessly grateful for forgiveness, apologies, open conversations, endings/beginnings, and the space to work through my own stuff when it comes up. All in a supportive, loving environment and one where I can be wholly myself and continue to grow into the best version of me.

7. Learning how to go deeper – I’m sort of echoing #3 again, but my own spiritual journey, my own inner wisdom and connection to “source, the universe, spirit”…whatever you call it, has been one of the greatest gifts and accomplishments in my adult life. It’s been a long road, but being able to tune in, to go deeper, and to offer and receive energetic healing, and experience deeper MAGIC has changed my life

8. The ability to create a business I love – I know I’ve been given a beautiful gift through this opportunity. I’m able to decide the way I show up in the world and the way I serve others. I get to choose my impact, my legacy; to lean into my own inspiration and joy, and to act in love and service to others…all, might I add, while also working a corporate job that I enjoy and am not too bad at ;). I have the best of both worlds and have found so many ways to combine synergies and flex new muscles this year…and for that I am SO grateful.

A wish for you…

My hope is that as I’ve shared my gratitude above, you’ve been thinking of all the beautiful things you have in your own life. And that you’re starting to feel that warm joyful feeling in your chest. Maybe you’re even noticing yourself smiling and the air seems just a bit more twinkly (you know, like Christmas lights ;).

And in case you need a little extra support to tap into your own gratitude, check out this quick and easy practice. Give it a try and then come back and let me know how it went. I can’t wait to hear.

Create Your Own Gratitude Practice

  • Find a nice quiet space and give yourself some time to sit in peace.
  • Maybe grab a journal and a pen; even a candle if you’re feeling fancy.
  • Then, go ahead and close your eyes.
  • And start by taking three deep breaths in through your nose, out through your mouth. Making the HAAAA sound when you exhale.
  • Sigh out all the energy, thoughts, feelings, and let your mind come to a place of stillness.
  • On your 4th deep breath, start to breathe into your heart space.
  • Begin to notice some things in your life that you can be thankful for.
  • Without explaining or amending, just notice, and call the energy of those things into your heart.
  • If you start to get distracted or go off track, start again with the 3 breath cycle.
  • And when you feel complete from calling the energy of gratitude into your heart, you can gently open your eyes and grab your journal.
  • Then spend a few moments and free write all the things you’re grateful for.
  • All the good that has happened to you and continues to happen for you.
  • All the joyful people, places, things in your life.
  • The gifts you’ve received.
  • The love you feel.
  • Again, do your best to just let it flow, try not to edit or explain.
  • Just feel into the energy of gratitude.

Continuing Your Practice

And then, for the next 10 days, spend a few minutes each evening writing 3 specific things you’re grateful for that day.

Don’t judge yourself – some days it may just be “I woke up”, “good breakfast”, etc., but do give yourself the space and permission to go deeper.

To feel the gratitude that starts to bubble up.

And I promise that when you start focusing on this energy, you’ll notice more beauty, more abundance, more good things coming into your life.

By choosing to notice and expand this energy, you’re telling the Universe that you want more of this in your life – more to be grateful for, more abundance, more joy.

Let me know how your practice went. And if you’re willing, I’d love to hear something specific you’re grateful for right now.

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