
My Review of The Health Habit by Elizabeth Rider

I’m Audry.
An empathic, crystal-loving 30-something who is committed to empowering women and making the world a better place. Dog mom, moon priestess, & yoga pants for life.
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The Health Habit: 7 Easy Steps to Reach Your Goals and Dramatically Improve Your Life (Available August 20th)

Photo courtesy of Team Rider

Who is Elizabeth Rider?

Elizabeth Rider is a health and nutrition expert, coach, and online entrepreneur. She teaches women how to become the healthiest, most successful versions of themselves. Her site has tons of delicious, healthy recipes and great tidbits on being the best version of yourself.

I discovered Elizabeth’s site when I was looking to join Marie Forleo’s B School. There are lots of offers from affiliates, but as someone who was getting their health coach certification, I was drawn to Elizabeth’s offer. As I dug in a little further, I also loved that she seemed super sweet, genuine, and really positive. I loved her fantastic energy and the level of engagement she offered everyone in her program. So, I signed up for B School through her affiliate link.

Fast forward 2 ish years, and I was offered the opportunity to review an Advanced Reader Copy of her new book, The Health Habit. How cool is that?!?! So, below you’ll find my “quick n dirty” notes about this book (spoiler alert: I LOVED it) as well as a link to purchase the book below (just an FYI – this is an affiliate link, meaning I may receive a small commission from your purchase. But don’t worry, it doesn’t cost you anything extra!)

What is this book about?

First things first, here’s the description of the book (swiped right from the back, y’all):

“What if the best health of your life isn’t just about what you do-or don’t-eat? 

The secret to having the healthy body and life you want isn’t just in a rigid way of eating. It’s in developing your own Health Habit. Coined by nutritionist and author Elizabeth Rider, your Health Habit is a skill, or a set of skills, that allows you to make the best choices that serve you most. 

By focusing on action-not just theory-you won’t even have to think about “being healthy.” You just will be-without the deprivation, shame, and OMG-do-I-really-have-to-choke-that-down overthinking and fear that come with restrictive diets. 

With her fresh look at healthy living, 28-Day Kick-Start Plan, 50 starter recipes, and online community, Elizabeth will get you started, keep you motivated, and connect you to health-conscious people around the world.”

Why should you read it?

For me, Elizabeth’s writing is the perfect mix of nutritionist, Earth Mama, young professional, and lifestyle blogger. She maintains a super positive, motivating energy and never came across as preachy.

The Health Habit is laden with solid advice and implementable steps. You know I love a list and direction – the book is that without being overbearing! Elizabeth is like the cool friend in college who is already so much smarter and more aware, and she’s giving you advice without being judgy or hateful. The writing style is easy to read and understand – just like that super knowledgable and funny bestie. Elizabeth also shares some personal stories and I really appreciated getting to know the girl behind the pretty face and brilliant recipes.

The best thing about this book is there is literally SO much good information and advice here – there’s something for everyone! The topics range from healthy eating, improved sleep, a clean & safe home, and my favorite: self-care.

As a total self-care & planning junkie, I LOVE LOVE LOVE the journal prompts and the guides to walk you through the 28-day kickstart. There are modifications, recipes, and meal plans – there is seriously SO MUCH in this little book! One of my favorite actionable tips was the “Bookend Method”. I’m already a huge fan of my morning ritual, so this totally spoke to me, but I extra love the description of “bookending” your day with both a morning and evening ritual to set the tone for your day and reset yourself & your soul. Genius. Totally implementing. Like, right now.

“Self-care is an agreement with yourself to take time to replenish. It’s taking care of your wholeness, body, mind, and sprite.”

– Elizabeth Rider

I love The Health Habit because it gives a real-life approach to making serious, impactful changes to your mindset and health without being repressive. Elizabeth repeatedly focuses on freedom and abundance while learning how what you put in your body can heal you without being restrictive.

Every woman I know is looking for a way to be healthier – whether that’s losing weight, cutting out sugar, having more energy, etc., but every woman I know is also super frustrated by being told what they “can’t”…what you can’t eat, what you can’t have, what you can’t do because you’re spending all your time in the gym. This book is all about embracing and loving what you “can” while enjoying balance because you know, you’re human.

“Any lifestyle habits you cultivate or changes you choose to implement should all work toward helping you feel more free, never restricted. Expansive, not small”

– Elizabeth Rider

I love Elizabeth’s focus on intentional, informed eating and the joy of all the delicious things you can have while creating a healthier life for yourself. I also really vibe with Elizabeth’s take on the goal-setting process. It focuses on the root of our motivations and is very similar to what I coach on in my own practice.

Photo courtesy of Team Rider

Fav Chapter: Uncover the Intangibles (Ch. 7) – this one is all about figuring out what’s holding you back or tripping you up and how to really dig in and work with your mind and body to make real progress.

Didja Know?? (I didn’t): Fiber is your body’s way of dumping excess estrogen & Vitamin D is actually a hormone! I feel like I should’ve paid more attention in school, but I really enjoyed learning things in this book. Especially stuff that concerns me as a woman.

“Symptoms of low vitamin D levels include difficulty losing weight, depression, lethargy, fatigue, getting sick often, muscle pain, and hair loss, among others.”

Fav new takeaway: Love the recipe for a “Nighttime Elixir” (p 107). The Bearded One has a lot of trouble sleeping and I can’t wait for him to try it out!

Super legit advice: I love Elizabeth’s spin on the “Crowding Out Method”. I’ve heard (and used) it in the past in reference to “crowding out” carbs, etc. on your plate with more veggies, but I appreciate the different take here – it isn’t just about more vegetables on your plate, but moving towards more healthy, whole foods in general. Move over, pizza rolls!

So what now…

“Now it’s time to concentrate on feeling better. It’s time to prioritize you.”

I genuinely believe that anyone can implement these changes. They’re shared in a realistic way and Elizabeth offers plenty of modifications and varying levels so you can get on board, no matter what level of “health” you’re at currently. There is a ton of actionable information in this book, no matter what you’re looking to heal or improve – I never write in books and I found myself making notes, underlining, and turning down pages of little gems I want to return to.

The Bearded One and I have been talking about ways to just getting back to whole foods and Elizabeth’s 28-day kickstart feels like a perfect fit. Anyone can do 28 days, right? Even if we start on the super modified option and work our way up

So, when we return from a bday adventure at the beginning of September, we’ll be planning and prepping to kickstart our own 28-day program. I’m really excited to see how reducing sugar and processed junk makes me feel. I’ve been noticing the toll it’s taken lately (30+ is rough, y’all) and feel like this book was the perfect motivation to put our plan in motion.

So tell me…are you getting the book? Wanna take the journey with me??

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