
Let’s talk purpose and how I can serve you

I’m Audry.
An empathic, crystal-loving 30-something who is committed to empowering women and making the world a better place. Dog mom, moon priestess, & yoga pants for life.
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Gimme that
door hanger: Welcome

Returning to the blog and coaching after some time away. Processing life, loss, and all that is going on in the world. Sharing what you can expect from me, and from this space, going forward as I continue to improve the way that I show up and serve.

I am really excited to be back in this space. 2020 has been a bumpy year already with a lot of loss and pain, both personally and on a larger scale. And while so much of that is awful, I truly believe it’s also a year of incredible change. Our world had to see some crazy sh*t to start taking action on a broader level and while some horrible stuff has happened (much of it not new), I feel hopeful about the change that is coming out of the awful things.

Yes, there is still ignorance and large areas of inaction, but I also see groups who have never mobilized before making concerted efforts towards understanding and action. I know this doesn’t mean that everything is fine, but I do believe some amazing things that have been set in motion that weren’t there before and that really needed to happen. It feels like many of us are just waking up and that the wild woman within all of us is being called to do more, show up, and take up space in our own way to make major changes. And lord knows when women start taking action, real shit can happen…

What Now?

It feels strange to return to the blog and to coaching, to act like it’s “business as usual” when in many ways nothing will ever be business as usual again. I totally recognize and honor that, but I also believe that we all have a responsibility in our personal and professional lives to take action in a way that feels aligned for us and this is one way I can show up for others. Through this blog and through coaching, I can offer support, I can hold space, and I can serve.

With all that in mind, I want to be really clear with my purpose as I return here. I am focusing on helping women connect with their inner wisdom and to create a life that is less overwhelming, less chaotic, and more filled with joy. I am also excited to help women explore their inner Wild Woman (and understand wtf that even means ) so that we can all show up differently in our lives, our communities, and our world.

How I Serve

I am offering moon circles to support time for connection, introspection, meditation, and sharing. I’m also working on some new coaching programs, both free and paid, to help women reach their own goals.

I am forever refining my own skills to provide a better experience to everyone I serve, so I’m now offering distance Reiki and guided meditations. In the future, it will also include online yoga classes, focusing on accessibility for women of all shapes and sizes (I’m working on my teacher certification now!!).

What you can expect of me

I’ve taken a hard look at what makes sense for me to both consume and produce online (anyone else struggle with social media addiction LOL?). My little empathic heart gets way overwhelmed by too much social media and I never want my messaging or services to come across as fake or performative. I coach and share from a place of love and service and want to be cautious not to override that with forced action.

After reflecting on that and how I can show up most authentically, I have decided that, for now, it makes sense for me to share blog posts and newsletters twice per month, and to post on social whenever the hell I feel like it, instead of when I feel like I “should”. I’m also focusing on some great free groups and training first before fully launching my next paid offering. And as always, I’m looking for feedback and any suggestions on what you want to learn and hear from me.

Saying Thank You

I am so grateful for you and your presence in this space. I know there is an endless stream of things asking for your time and attention and it means the world to me that you’ve chosen to be here. It is my literal mission in life to find ways to serve you and make your life better because you have chosen to be a part of this tribe. I am so excited to continue to grow together and to keep improving how I serve you!

Let me know below how you’re handling this crazy time and how you need to feel more supported <3

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